Most buyers will look to a pay a certain multiple of fee turnover. An efficient and profitable business will also help in getting the best price.

You can do either. If you sell the shares of your company it is likely that you may be able to qualify for entrepreneur's relief on the capital gain. You may only want to sell the portfolio if your company provides other services that you want to continue. The tax implications on selling a portfolio are likely to be different.

Many online brokers sell any business from care homes to chip shops. Our expertise is much more focussed. We just concentrate on finding buyers for letting agencies and property management companies as we feel that we can offer a specialist service.

Yes, we recommend you should instruct a solicitor after you have found a buyer.

Cost?: Our fees are competitive. We do not charge upfront and nor do we tie you in to a lengthy contract.
How long:? It will depend on a lot of factors. You should allow six months from beginning to end.

We would contact all businesses who operate in your sector in your region of the country. We would do so without revealing any detail that would allow anyone to identify you before they had signed an NDA.

We only provide the individual details about your business with your agreement to those parties who sign a Non Disclosure Agreement.

Make sure all your numbers add up and that they cross reference with each other.
The one thing that will undermine confidence in a buyer's mind is a seller not accurately knowing the numbers in the business.

Depending on the type of sale you will probably have to pay a tax of some kind! It is best to take advice from a Chartered Accountant as everyone's circumstance will be different..

When a business changes owner, its employees may be protected under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) regulations (TUPE). Check out https://www.gov.uk/transfers-takeovers

No, we just ask for 14 days notice if you change your mind.

Call us now on our freephone 0800 020 9318. Or use our on line form here to find out more about how you can take advantage of our expertise. We look forward to helping you with selling your letting agency or if you are looking lettings businesses for sale.